Having money in our pockets meant one thing ..we needed to spend it . I find it interesting that as I look back I remember much easier what I did to earn money than what I spent it on . and I have absolutely nothing to show in the tangible of what I purchased with my hard earned money .
Candy was a big part of spending , and we had lots of choices to tempt us
. Some of them are still around Hershey Chocolate bars and Snickers , Three
Musketeers were very popular . MY favourites seemed to vary from pay day to day
..I think my all time favourites were Big hunks and Ice Cubes . There were also some wax Candy favorites ( red lips and teeth ) , we even had Candy Cigarettes so we could be like our parents , and bubble Gum Cigars . there were once inch cubes of real bubble gum ..which if left unattended could be used to build a house on .
A few blocks away from us was the corner Grocery store it sat on he
intersection of Capital Highway and miles street . My Memory fades but I
believe it was Colemans Grocery store . It was a small place with Candy in the
front and meats in the back , a few bins of produce and lots of Cigarettes up
front as well . The floors were wooden and the owners were always there ..It was
a Husband and wife team ..hey lived in a house behind the store on 31st street .
Shopping for candy seemed to be a communal experience , its one of the few
things I can remember my Brother and I doing together . After Cupcakes and
kool-aide we would take some of our money , saving some for later , and walk or
ride our bikes down to the Grocery store . We would then spend several minutes
, drooling , picking up examining , the wide variety of candy available . Some
was eaten with in minutes of Purchase , while some was hidden in our
respective Hiding places for the lean days of Candy famine.
I don't believe we spent much of our money on Soda Pop . though it was
readily available . Not sure why ... I Know we were rationed Coca Cola by my
mother , we would have some as a special treat ...Another of my favourites was
Orange Soda . and Strawberry cola . I suspect one of the problems with Soda
was opening it . there were no twist tops then , a bottle opener was required
. There were rumors of a Metal can but we did not see them until either very
late in 1959 or into the 60's . I also do not recall very much available in
the Salty snack food department either .
My Childhood was definitly sweet ....
My Childhood was definitly sweet ....
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